2012 Jan 10 3:00 PM
The standard GOS attachment list has 4 field ICON,Title,Creator Name, Created On.
I have to add 2 custom field on the attachment list and update the values of these field to Z table with the Object instance.
how can it be achieved?
2012 Jan 10 3:38 PM
2012 Jan 10 4:05 PM
I kept a custom Generic Object service "Attachment List Custom" but I want to add 2 custom field on the attachment list grid and save those values
2012 Jan 10 4:21 PM
Okie got it..you can try two things
main class for gos is cl_gos_service
1 you have to check first which methods are called for display and based on it create implicit enhancement in methods to accomplish the same..
2. For that you will need to make a custom class inherted from cl_gos_service and redefine the display..Try something like done in below link