2022 Dec 23 7:37 AM
Hi together,
I am trying to use the method CHECK_TSK_AT_SAVE of the BadI: CEWB_TSK_UPDATE. Now the code that I have written is:
DATA: lr_ref TYPE REF TO if_ex_cewb_tsk_update,
lt_tsk TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF cpcl_tsk_plko_type.
CALL METHOD lr_ref->check_tsk_at_save
i_tsk_data = lt_tsk
* i_mtk_data =
* i_seq_data =
* i_plas_data =
* i_opr_data =
* i_com_data =
* i_prt_data =
* i_cha_data =
* i_chv_data =
* i_pac_data =
* i_mst_data =
inconsistency_found = 1
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
* Implement suitable error handling here
I get the dump: CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL, that the interface is not yet initiated, thus we cannot use the method.Can anyone tell me how can I get reference or initiate the lr_ref that I have declared?
2022 Dec 23 7:57 AM
An interface is a contract between a class and the outside, it does not contains code, and it cannot be instanciated.
So, you need an instance of a class using this interface.
It will depends of your code, comment the use of the method, and in debug check what you have in memory (in variable tab, go in LOCAL)
If you check the class CL_EX_CEWB_TSK_UPDATE, you will see it does a deference of an object :
(use the contract of the interface to access the object <flt_cache_line>-obj )
EXITINTF ?= <flt_cache_line>-OBJ.
2022 Dec 23 9:54 AM
2022 Dec 23 1:49 PM
Are you actually trying to call a BAdI method from a customer code ?
Or explain what you're trying to obtain?
2024 Aug 14 11:30 AM
I have activated this funktion and I am doing my error handling when CEWB data got saved. But how can I get information about selected item that I want to change and for which I don't want error handling? For ex. in table I_OPR_DATA . There is no indicator telling me which item got locked for change.