2012 Aug 01 11:49 AM
i am reading an attachment data using BBP_PDATT_GETDETAIL in SRM7 . The export table gets the attachment data(file name , file type etc.,). the attachment data is stored in field of type below
SDOK_SDATX | RAW | 1022 |
now what i want to do it is when user clicks on a button i should read the data and present a standard dialog that comes when we are download any file from internet ( with 'open' 'save' and 'cancel' options). when the user clicks on open the document should open. is there any class or FM to do this?
Moderator Message: FAQ. Please search the forum. Thread locked.
Message was edited by: Suhas Saha
2012 Aug 01 11:55 AM
Use following function.
call function 'WS_DOWNLOAD'
filename = e-file
filetype = 'DAT'
data_tab = it_group.
Where, e-file is the name of the file in which you want to save
it_group - is the intenal table data that you want to save..
2012 Aug 01 12:09 PM