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Getting dump MESSAGE_TYPE_X in call function MB_POST_GOODS_MOVEMENT after upgrade EHP8

0 Kudos

Hello All,

during Idoc execution with transaction BD87, we get a dump MESSAGE_TYPE_X in program SAPLMBWL.

This error occured from release upgrade to EHP8 FOR SAP ERP 6.0, before the upgrade we didn't get this error.

We have already read the following notes 385830 and 386152 but they didn't solve our problem.

Below the related dump:

Category ABAP programming error

Runtime Errors MESSAGE_TYPE_X


Application Component MM-IM

Date and Time 03.04.2023 00:33:42



|Short Text |

| The current application has triggered a termination with a short dump. |



|What happened? |

| The current application program has detected a situation that should |

| not occur. A termination with short dump has therefore been triggered |

| by the key word MESSAGE (type X). |



|What can I do? |

| Note which actions and entries caused the error to occur. |

| |

| Consult your SAP administrator. |

| |

| Using transaction ST22 for ABAP dump analysis, you can view, manage, |

| and retain termination messages for longer periods. |

| Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look |

| at and manage termination messages, and you can also |

| keep them for a long time. |



|Error analysis |

| Short text of the error message: |

| Delivery 2390000040 does not exist |

| Long text of the error message: |

| Diagnosis |

| The delivery you specified does not exist. |

| This document may have been archived. |

| Procedure |

| Check the delivery number you entered. |

| If the delivery has only just been added, it is possible that it |

| has not yet been posted. If this is the case, repeat the |

| transaction again later. If the error message still appears, inform |

| your programming team or system administrator. |

| Technical information about the message: |

| Message class....... VL |

| Number.............. 302 |

| Variable 1.......... 2390000040 |

| Variable 2.......... |

| Variable 3.......... |

| Variable 4.......... " " |



|How to correct the error |

| If the error occurs in one of your own ABAP programs or an SAP program |

| that you have modified, try to correct the error yourself. |

| If the error occurs in a non-modfied SAP program, you might be able to |

| find a solution in the SAP Notes system. If you have access to the SAP |

| Notes system, check there first using the following keywords: |

| |


| "SAPLMBWL" bzw. LMBWLU21 |


| If you cannot solve the problem yourself, please send the following |

| information to SAP: |

| |

| 1. This description of the problem (short dump) |

| To do this, choose System -> List -> Save -> Local File (unconverted) |

| on the screen you are in now. |

| |

| 2. A suitable system log |

| To do this, call the system log in transaction SM21. Restrict the time |

| interval to ten minutes before the short dump and five minutes after |

| it. In the display, choose System -> List -> Save -> Local File |

| (unconverted). |

| |

| 3. If these are programs of your own, or modified SAP programs: Source |

| code of these programs |

| To do this, choose More Utilities -> Upload/Download -> Download in |

| the Editor. |

| |

| 4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred or |

| which actions and input caused the error. |



|System environment |

| SAP Release..... 750 |

| SAP Basis level 0023 |

| |

| Application server... SAPGDS02 |

| Network address...... |

| Operating system... OS400 |

| Release.............. 7.2 |

| Hardware type....... 007800098D80 |

| Character length..... 16 Bits |

| Pointer length........ 64 Bits |

| Work process number... 24 |

| Shortdump setting. full |

| |

| Database server... SAPGDS02 |

| Database type..... DB400 |

| Database name..... DEV |

| Database user ID R3DEVDATA |

| |

| Terminal.......... |

| |

| Character set C |

| |

| SAP kernel....... 753 |

| Created on....... Dec 1 2022 21:44:23 |

| Created at....... AIX 1 6 00F674C74C00 (IBM i with OS400) use-pr20221201 |

| Database version DB4_71 |

| Patch level....... 1100 |

| Patch text....... |

| |

| Database............. V7R1, V7R2, V7R3, V7R4, V7R5 |

| SAP database version. 753 |

| Operating system... OS400 1 7, OS400 2 7, OS400 3 7, OS400 4 7, OS400 5 7 |

| |

| Memory consumption |

| Roll.... 0 |

| EM...... 22136864 |

| Heap.... 0 |

| Page.... 40960 |

| MM used. 15068864 |

| MM free. 3557648 |



|User and Transaction |

| Client................. 500 |

| User.................. PEDRAZZOLIS |

| Language key.......... I |

| Transaction......... |

| Transaction ID...... 5F3F14D151160180E006429FC6AA86CF |

| |

| EPP whole context ID...... 0004AC1E4263A9EB80FC666EDC00848A |

| EPP connection ID........ 00000000000000000000000000000000 |

| EPP call counter......... 0 |

| |

| Program.............. SAPLMBWL |

| Screen.............. SAPMSSY0 1000 |

| Screen line.......... 6 |

| Active debugger..... "none" |



|Information on where terminated |

| The termination occurred in ABAP program or include "SAPLMBWL", in |


| main program was "RBDMANI2". |

| |

| In the source code, the termination point is in line 84 of program or |

| include "LMBWLU21". |

| Program "SAPLMBWL" was started as a background job. |

| |

| Job name....... MOVIMENTI 261 AUTOMATICI |

| Job initiator.. PEDRAZZOLIS |

| Job number...... 00072200 |



|Source Code Extract |


|Line |SourceCde |


| 54| ELSE. "1245374 |

| 55| l_mem_id = 'MKPF-XBLNR'. "1245374 |

| 56| FREE MEMORY ID l_mem_id. "1245374 |

| 57| ENDIF. |

| 58| IF xmkpf-xabln IS INITIAL. "note 434093 |

| 59| CALL FUNCTION 'MB_XAB_NUMBER_GET'. "note 434093 |

| 60| ENDIF. "note 434093 |

| 61| |

| 62|* Ensure that mseg-xblnr_mkpf is filled when the goods movement is |

| 63|* posted directly in VL01N/VL31N. |

| 64| IF NOT xblnr_sd IS INITIAL. "1685136 |

| 65| DATA: ls_mseg_mkpf LIKE xmseg. "1685136 |

| 66| ls_mseg_mkpf-xblnr_mkpf = xmkpf-xblnr. "1685136 |

| 67| MODIFY xmseg FROM ls_mseg_mkpf TRANSPORTING xblnr_mkpf "1685136 |

| 68| WHERE xblnr_mkpf NE xmkpf-xblnr. "1685136 |

| 69| ENDIF. "1685136 |

| 70| |

| 71| |


| 73| |




| 77| error_message = 4. |

| 78|* As soon as we have started to put things into UPDATE TASK, we must |

| 79|* ensure that errors definitely terminate the transaction. |

| 80|* MESSAGE A is not sufficient because it can be catched from |

| 81|* external callers which COMMIT WORK afterwards, resulting in |

| 82|* incomplete updates. Read note 385830 for the full story. |

| 83| IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL. |

|>>>>>| MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE x NUMBER sy-msgno WITH "385830 |

| 85| sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. |

| 86|* MESSAGE A263. |

| 87| ENDIF. |

Thanks and regards,



0 Kudos

Thanks for your reply but those notes are not relevant for our problem, we have opened an Incident to SAP.

Thanks again for your support

0 Kudos

Hi Federica,

did you solved this problem in the meantime? We face the same issue..... Can you please share your solution if there is one?

Thanks in advance,
Daan van Dommele

0 Kudos

Hi oddone

Did you get a solution for this issue? i have a similar issue.


0 Kudos

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