2007 Aug 13 4:25 AM
Hello masters, does anyone knows how to retrieve data from a structure?
2007 Aug 13 4:29 AM
Structures do not contain data, they are mearly a way to describe it and are usually used in screen programming to collect data into which come from transparent tables. For example, lets say you have data from two tables that need to be displayed on a screen, the data is related, so a good programming practice is to use a structure either described internally in the program, or in the ABAP dictionary. Then in the program, you retrieve the data from the transpart tables and move the data to the structure fields, these structure fields are then defined within the screen.
Anyway, when you do F1 help on a field in a screen, and it is says that it is part of a structure, then this is becasue the structure is being used to group these fields into a common container when doing the screen programming, so it is a little trickier to find where the data is coming from, but not impossible. One way is to use the ST05 to do a SQL trace on the program, this will tell you the tables being hit, and you can find the data that way. Another way, is to debug the program, and see where the data is coming from.
Rich Heilman
2007 Aug 13 4:35 AM
ok i can understand that.
you familiar with ME11?
In Order Unit(Processing) window, how can I get the unit of field Equal to?
Can you help me?