2006 Jan 25 6:04 AM
Hi folks, i need a FM/BAPI to get status change documents for object, i need sometinhg like FM STATUS_SHOW_CHANGE_DOCUMENTS, this FM display results as report, i need the same results in a data structure. Is this possible?
Thank you very much!
2006 Jan 25 6:16 AM
Hi Leonardo,
1. I think there are two steps in it.
2. First is finding out the
the list of change documents for the object.
3. Then getting the DETAILS of the change
4. Regarding (3)
We can use the FM
CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_POSITIONS - detailed - fieldlevel info
amit m.
2006 Jan 25 9:18 PM
Amit, thank you for your help, i found another solution, table JCDS contains all information that i need,
object number - status - date of modification.
Thanks a lot!!!