2023 Dec 01 4:04 PM
Hi there,
I want to get the number of work days (days without weekend and holidays) based on both, a factory calendar and a year (or date period).
So regarding transaction scal I would simply like to get as result 248 for year 2023:
(Or 117 when asking for free days)
I would like to know if there is any FM that returns exactly the data from the upper screenshot?
To determine 248 days I could use FM DURATION_DETERMINE or WLB3_GET_NUMBER_OF_WORKDAYS, whereby WLB3_GET_NUMBER_OF_WORKDAYS did not work for me. And DURATION_DETERMINE performs a lot of calculation stuff, which, I don't know, might not be needed if there is a possibility to simply read the static value of 248 from factory calendar...
I am sorry, because I know this question has been asked a lot in the community.
But none of the proposed solutions makes me really happy...
2023 Dec 01 4:29 PM
You have the official function modules to convert a date into an integer number called the "factory date": in one factory calendar, the number of <day right after date> = the number of <date> +1.
To get the number of dates in one year, of a given factory calendar, you get the numbers of 01/01/YYYY and 01/01/YYYY+1, and you subtract them.
Released function modules:
2023 Dec 01 4:29 PM
You have the official function modules to convert a date into an integer number called the "factory date": in one factory calendar, the number of <day right after date> = the number of <date> +1.
To get the number of dates in one year, of a given factory calendar, you get the numbers of 01/01/YYYY and 01/01/YYYY+1, and you subtract them.
Released function modules:
2023 Dec 02 9:13 AM
Thank you sandra.rossi, that worked for me!
Very interesting. I knew the FMs by name but haven't worked with them so far.
2023 Dec 02 4:47 PM
In your other comment, you are saying that in fact you don't want to consider exactly your factory calendar, but to add the holidays which "match a week days from Monday to Friday", and you are proposing to determine it using HOLIDAY_GET + any known logic to get the week days out of these dates.
I guess it's the easiest way.
2023 Dec 02 9:21 AM
In my use case I have to determine the number of work days in a time period, e.g. in 1 year.
When I use the solution based on the upper proposed FM DATE_CONVERT_TO_FACTORYDATE, it returns the number of work days minus holidays that match a week day from Monday to Friday.
That behavior is caused by the fact that our default factory calendar references our holiday calendar, too.
So in general, I would like to determine the number of work days including holidays that match a week days from Monday to Friday.
I could create a solution by using FM HOLIDAY_GET, and determine the number of holidays that do not match a free day. But maybe there is a better more efficient solution around? sandra.rossi, maybe you do have a recommendation here, too?
2023 Dec 02 4:39 PM
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