2023 Sep 28 9:05 AM
Hi everyone,
currently I'm using BAPI_GL_ACC_GETPERIODBALANCES to retrieve period balances as in FS10N and works fine, but it miss the parameter GSBER.
Now that I have some GL that is in different accounting sectors, the data retrieved of course are no more the same.
I also tried to get data from:
- GLT0, but still some of the periods have different values,
- SUBMIT to FS10N, works fine just when the user insert one GL, can't use inside a loop.
Is there any alternative for this bapi that also have the parameters gsber that I can use?
Thank you
2023 Sep 28 9:21 AM
Look for the FAGL_GET_GLT0 call in BAPI_GL_GETGLACCBALANCE and adapt your GLT0 selection accordingly.
2023 Sep 28 9:21 AM
Look for the FAGL_GET_GLT0 call in BAPI_GL_GETGLACCBALANCE and adapt your GLT0 selection accordingly.
2023 Sep 28 9:56 AM