2023 Dec 21 3:50 AM
Now i had an OOALV object as input parameter.
I want to get data form this object.
What should I do?
2023 Dec 21 5:46 AM
First, search. I can find one potentially good answer posted as a comment in 2022:
"cl_gui_alv_grid" "mt_outtab" site:sap.com
Two ways.
Either you know ABAP Objects well and you can find workarounds to access the protected attribute.
Or you learn how to program with CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, the output table of ALV is being set by the method SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY, so you add a break-point to find the place and try to see if there's a way to get the original internal table.
2023 Dec 21 10:33 AM
It's time to revisit your object programming lessons, and rediscover how to access protected attributes of a class
(Inheritance, superclass, etc.)