2016 Aug 02 12:38 PM
Hi Gurus ,
Am trying to use Google Geo coding(for Latitude and Longitude information) .I have written program to consume Google Geocode API via HTTP send/receive using Google Maps URL .
But HTTP response is 'Application server error'.
Any prerequisite in system to done for Http send and receive ?
2016 Aug 02 12:43 PM
Hi Uma!
I just implemented the same procedure to calculate distances in TM routes
A couple of things you can check:
1-The client is created by http connection (created in SM59) or passing the url?
2-Did you check if you got any proxy / firewall active with your Basis team? My first test got that error due a proxy active
3- could you share your code on how you build the client and the request?
2016 Aug 02 12:43 PM
Hi Uma!
I just implemented the same procedure to calculate distances in TM routes
A couple of things you can check:
1-The client is created by http connection (created in SM59) or passing the url?
2-Did you check if you got any proxy / firewall active with your Basis team? My first test got that error due a proxy active
3- could you share your code on how you build the client and the request?
2016 Aug 03 5:59 AM
Thanks Simone,Even Am trying the same in TM .It will be great if you can help out.
1-The client is created by http connection (created in SM59) or passing the url?
i used URL method to call google geocode
2-Did you check if you got any proxy / firewall active with your Basis team? My first test got that error due a proxy active
Sure will check that.Can you please tell the way to check proxy?any transaction ?
3- could you share your code on how you build the client and the request?
Used below code
.GPS like tool in SAP using Google Map API – SAP Yard
Am getting below exception :
connect to maps.google.com:80 failed: NIECONN_REFUSED(-10)
2016 Aug 03 6:57 AM
Create a dummy HTTP destination in SM59 for the URL you want to request and check if it works there.
Make sure that HTTPS service is available in your SMICM configuration (SMICM => Goto => Services).
If it is still failing increase trace level in SMICM => Goto => Trace Level => Increase and test again. Next paste the result from trace file here (not whole file but only the error info).
2016 Aug 03 7:44 AM
I see in your example you are using as URL HTTPS which reply on port 443, not 80 and this could be the first issue
About proxy, ask Basis team, I did the same
Another question: you want to calculate the distance between 2 addresses or just geocoding a place?
Looking at the link, it seems that the request/URL is build pretty different from what Google Maps suggests
It looks like this your url once you completed it? (apart the API Key)
TM->Transportation Module on SD, not under HR world for me
2016 Aug 04 1:31 PM
Thanks Bartosz, I have created dummy RFC destination type 'G' and Tested am getting below errors also I don't have HTTPS in SMICM.
RFC Connection Failed with below error :
Connect to maps.google.com:80 failed: NIECONN_REFU
SMICM Trace :
[Thr 4756] Thu Aug 04 15:23:37 2016
[Thr 4756] SiPeekPendConn: SiSelectInt timed out for sock 99396 (5000ms)
[Thr 4756] NiICheckPendConnection: connection of hdl 144 to still in progress (5000)
[Thr 4756] NiIConnect: hdl 144 took local address
[Thr 4756] NiIConnect: state of hdl 144 NI_CONN_WAIT
[Thr 4756] NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
[Thr 4756] NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'maps.google.com'
[Thr 4756] NiSrvLGetServName: found port number 80 in cache
[Thr 4756] NiSrvLGetServName: retrying to get service name for '80'
[Thr 4756] *** ERROR => NiBufIConnect: non-buffered connect pending after 5000ms (hdl 144;maps.google.com:80) [nibuf.cpp 4524]
[Thr 4756] NiICloseHandle: called for hdl 144 while waiting for connection
[Thr 4756] NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 144/sock 99396
[Thr 4756] IcmIConnConnect: Connect to host: maps.google.com, service: 80, NIECONN_REFUSED(-10)
[Thr 4756] *** WARNING => Connect to maps.google.com:80 failed: NIECONN_REFUSED(-10) {00113c00} [icxxconn.c 2356]
[Thr 4756] DpSesGetWorkerType: return workerType DIA for T63_U22449
[Thr 4756] RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <T63_U22449_M0> in slot 67 contains 0 requests of type DIA
[Thr 4756] DpSesGetTasks: found 1 open tasks for T63_U22449_M0
[Thr 4756] DpSesGetWorkerType: return workerType DIA for T63_U22449
[Thr 4756] RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <T63_U22449_M1> in slot 104 contains 0 requests of type DIA
[Thr 4756] DpSesGetTasks: found 0 open tasks for T63_U22449_M1
[Thr 4756] DpSesGetWorkerType: return workerType DIA for T63_U22449
[Thr 4756] RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <T63_U22449_M2> in slot 105 contains 0 requests of type DIA
[Thr 4756] DpSesGetTasks: found 0 open tasks for T63_U22449_M2
[Thr 4756] IcmConnConnect: Connect failed for session GUI T63_U22449_M0, 100, UMAMAG, SMGTERSTS, time=15:23:33, W6, program=RSHTT
[Thr 4756] IcmConnConnect(id=17/146432): free MPI request blocks
[Thr 4756] MPI<8132>30#7 GetInbuf -1 1f41e0 252 (1) -> MPI_EOS: End Of Stream
[Thr 4756] MPI<8132>30#8 FreeInbuf#1 0 1f41e0 0 -> MPI_OK
[Thr 4756] MPI<8131>35#5 GetOutbuf -1 1f41e0 65536 (0) -> 0000000017EA4250 104857600 MPI_OK
[Thr 4756] NiIGetServNo: servicename '8000' = port 8000
[Thr 4756] Address Offset Error response:
2016 Aug 04 1:35 PM
Yeah Simone.Initially am testing with geo coordinates.Once connection is good will write strategy to get distance via Google API.I have registered and have API key.
I hope its problem with connection and requested Basis team to look .
2016 Aug 04 1:46 PM
Hi Uma,
If you're missing HTTPS service then get in touch with the Basis team to fix it - otherwise HTTPS connection will not work.
The other thing is that you're executing your test with the wrong port:
[Thr 4756] *** WARNING => Connect to maps.google.com:80 failed: NIECONN_REFUSED(-10) {00113c00} [icxxconn.c 2356]
It should be port 443.
Moreover as far as I remember when configuring the connection to Google API for the last time it was necessary to set this option as well in the RFC connection options.
2016 Aug 04 1:48 PM