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Generation of dependent programs/objects (where-used)

0 Kudos

Dear Community

I have extended a table (in this case MARA) with customer-specific Z-fields; now I wanted to regenerate all dependent programs/objects (where-used). I am looking for the program to do this (I don't want to start SGEN in this case). This program is given a table/structure for which the generation is then carried out. I have researched and unfortunately can no longer find it.

Does anyone of you know the name of the program?

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Best regards


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

No action needed to refresh the where-used lists; it's automatically done for custom code. If you noticed an issue, please check the SAP notes or contact the SAP support.

SGEN is to generate the ABAP load, not to update the where-used lists. For generating the where-used lists of standard programs, it used to be the program SAPRSEUB, but SAP says (note 2228460): "The compilation of the index takes an extremely long period of time" (days or weeks), and also the size of the table WBCROSSGT becomes HUGE (note 2039618).

0 Kudos

Hi @Sandra_Rossi 

Thank you for your reply.

I don't want to update the where-used list, but I want to generate the program that accesses the MARA table. Where-Used in brackets only means that it is about the referenced programs.

I have extended the MARA and want to generate the accessing programs so that the users do not have to wait for generating programs afterwards.

I know that there is a program that does the generation; unfortunately I just don't know what it's called anymore - that's what my post is about.

Many thanks and best regards

0 Kudos

Understood, apologizes. Yes, the concept of where-used lists and ABAP Load regeneration is different (cross-reference information are stored in different tables and generated by different programs).

Active Contributor

The program name is TOUCHTAB.

You may also use SGEN with a transport request containing LIMU TABD MARA.


Thank you for the information. Now I was able to generate all dependent programs.