2007 Nov 30 12:39 PM
Is there any function module to find the <b>last execution date of back ground job</b>.
So that I can transfer the data from SAP to Legacy system based on the document creation date should be in between last execution date and current date.
thanks in advance.
2007 Nov 30 1:26 PM
Don't know of a function module, but you should be able to use the information in table TBTCO to get the last start date and time of the job you are interested in.
2007 Nov 30 1:26 PM
Don't know of a function module, but you should be able to use the information in table TBTCO to get the last start date and time of the job you are interested in.
2007 Nov 30 1:39 PM
Function module BP_JOBLOG_READ returns the job log information which should contains the date and time of log entry for the batch job.