2005 Nov 28 1:32 PM
Hello All
Is there any function module available to delete the system History? The necessity of this is ...
1. Enter MIRO transaction
2. First screen asks for the Company Code
3. Second screen will ask for the details like Invoice date , reference and so and so ...
Now open another session of MIRO ,
1. The system directly goes to the second screen where it asks for invoice dates and other details...It is taking the previous session's company code for this session also.
I would like to avoid this company code and I want the same screen for all the time. This would make my ecatt script to run successfully.
Kindly advise.
2005 Nov 28 2:09 PM
In your ecatt, simulate going to menu item <u>E</u>dit,<u>S</u>witch to company code or alternatively pressing function key F7. The transaction will show popup to ask company code.
2005 Nov 28 2:09 PM
In your ecatt, simulate going to menu item <u>E</u>dit,<u>S</u>witch to company code or alternatively pressing function key F7. The transaction will show popup to ask company code.
2005 Nov 29 4:48 AM
Hello Sharad
Since the screens are different for the first login and subsequent logins, my ecatt script is failing. due correct this I need to make unifrom screen first, then execute the ecatt script.
Thanks for ur sugesstion.
2005 Nov 29 4:58 AM
I didn't work in eCATT but is there an option for writing one line of code? All you need to do is to do a SET PARAMETER ID.
2005 Nov 29 5:19 AM
Hello Srinivas
Can you explain me your idea in detail ?
2005 Nov 29 2:13 PM
Hi Tharani,
I suggested to do it every time on every new transaction. It means your ecatt script will enter the company code on every new transaction following the menu path I gave in my previous post. Therefore your screens will be uniform.
2005 Nov 29 4:10 PM
That will not work Tharani. I am sorry, but I think there is an alternative.
Execute MIRO manually first. This should ask you for company code. Enter something, go into next screen, and then cancel and come out of it. What this does is it sets the parameter id for company code.
Now do your ECATT for MIRO. It should not ask you for company code this time, because it reads it from the memory. In the next screen (initial screen for entering the invoice data) 'Menu>Edit>Switch Company Code' and change the company code to a new one. This way every transaction of yours will go through this switch company code screen, even if it is the same company code.
Let us know if it works.
2005 Nov 29 4:24 PM
The popup in the transaction is thrown by function module DOCHEADER_COMP_CODE_WITH_POPUP. You can record this function module in ECATT script and execute it once before executing script for MIRO. Then it will not ask this MIRO.