2007 May 27 4:02 PM
Hi All,
I created one ZTABLE .I am adding,changing and delete data into that ZTABLE through program from upload one excel file.But before adding ,changing and delete data to that ZTABLE, first check whether that USER have authorization (Addition, Deletion or Modification) of a particular Ztable, If the user is NOT authorized, an appropriate message will be displayed and the program will return to the selection Screen.I heard about FM 'AUTHORITY_CHECK_TABL' But i dnt know how to pass parameters.If iam right then give me how to use that Function module.then i can proceed.If there are any other function modules ,please provide with examples then i can understand clearly.Please help me regards ASAP.
2007 May 27 4:11 PM
2007 May 27 4:16 PM
Hi Santhose,
I Study those documents before rise question in SDN form.Actually i need fuction module which can check wherther user have access to Del,Change and adding records into Ztable.I dont have access to SU21,SU03(Basis) .So i have to solve issue through function module and how to pass parameters with example.
2007 May 28 10:03 AM
2007 May 28 10:26 AM
Hi Abdul,
Please follow the steps:
Go to transaction SE54.
1. Create an authorization group.
2. After creating authorization group
You should assign authorization group for the table in question in the same transaction.
Now this has been done, you should use authorization object 'S_TABU_DIS' in the program
The usage is:
ID 'DICBERCLS' FIELD <authorizationgroup>
ID 'ACTVT' FIELD <activity>. 1 - creation, 2-modification, 3-display
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
MESSAGE e000(zxxx).
You can speak with your basis admin for authorization to the users.
Just give the authorization group name, they will do it for you.
Thanks and regards,
S. Chandra Mouli.