2009 Jul 07 8:57 AM
I need to know the executed result of the Tcode FBL1N, can anybody tell me?
Best Regards
2009 Jul 07 9:14 AM
Hi Dan,
This program lists vendor line items
Selection button Status:
Open items:
Items that were posted by the key date, and then cleared, or which have not yet been cleared. The current date is proposed as the key date. If the field is empty, the system still defaults the current date. If you enter an earlier date as the key date, you can also select items that have been cleared since that date.
Cleared items:
Items that have been cleared by the current date. You can make a further restriction by entering a clearing date and a key date.
All items:
Open and cleared items.
2009 Jul 07 9:14 AM
Hi Dan,
This program lists vendor line items
Selection button Status:
Open items:
Items that were posted by the key date, and then cleared, or which have not yet been cleared. The current date is proposed as the key date. If the field is empty, the system still defaults the current date. If you enter an earlier date as the key date, you can also select items that have been cleared since that date.
Cleared items:
Items that have been cleared by the current date. You can make a further restriction by entering a clearing date and a key date.
All items:
Open and cleared items.
2009 Jul 07 9:30 AM
What do you mean with "I need to know the executed result" ?
You may call the report via [export to memory|https://forums.sdn.sap.com/search.jspa?objID=c42&q=exporttomemorsubmit], or access the logical database behond via FM [LDB_PROCESS KDF|https://forums.sdn.sap.com/search.jspa?threadID=&q=LDB_PROCESSKDF&objID=c42&dateRange=last90days&numResults=15&rankBy=10001] or access the secondary indexes [BSIK, BSAK|https://forums.sdn.sap.com/search.jspa?threadID=&q=BSIK+BSAK&objID=c42&dateRange=last90days&numResults=15&rankBy=10001]
2009 Jul 08 2:51 AM
First thanks for your replys.
I mean that I need to deal with the result of FBL1N, if I get data from the database, I worry about the completeness of data, so I want know if there is any function for the the result of FBL1N.
Hope for your replys. Thks.
Best regards
2009 Jul 08 7:19 AM
This report use the FI_ITEMS_DISPLAY fm with data in a RFPOSXEXT structure. So you may fill the structure from database (or LDB) and complete it via the FM ITEM_DERIVE_FIELDS. (look for a sample in report RFAPRE_ITEMS or RFITEMAP)
The easiest way is to duplicate RFITEMAP to a Z-report. (don't copy include but keep the standard ones, and change the code from the call of FI_ITEMS_DISPLAY)
2016 Mar 29 12:46 PM