2007 Jul 18 6:16 AM
in which table are the function codes stored? how to find the function codes for double click in alv reporting?wht are &IC1 and &ETA function codes?
2007 Jul 18 4:53 PM
&IC1 can be used to check for a double-click in a "hotspot" field in an ALV grid. It will show up in sy-ucomm and you would check it in a user_command form that was defined as an event in the original ALV call.
For example (using SAP Utilities):
FORM v_user_command USING r_ucomm TYPE sy-ucomm
ls_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
CASE r_ucomm.
WHEN '&IC1'. "hotspot
read table t_error_log index ls_selfield-tabindex.
if ls_selfield-sel_tab_field = 'T_ERROR_LOG-REFOBJTYPE'.
if t_error_log-refobjtype = 'INSTLN'.
set parameter id 'ANL' field t_error_log-refobjkey.
call transaction 'EC85'.
elseif t_error_log-refobjtype = 'DEVICE'.
f_equnr = t_error_log-refobjkey.
perform get_device_number using f_equnr
set parameter id 'GER' field f_device.
call transaction 'EC85'.
elseif ls_selfield-sel_tab_field = 'T_ERROR_LOG-REFOBJKEY'.
if t_error_log-refobjtype = 'INSTLN'.
set parameter id 'ANL' field t_error_log-refobjkey.
call transaction 'EL29'.
elseif t_error_log-refobjtype = 'DEVICE'.
f_equnr = t_error_log-refobjkey.
perform get_device_number using f_equnr
set parameter id 'GER' field f_device.
call transaction 'EL29'.
elseif ls_selfield-sel_tab_field = 'T_ERROR_LOG-DISCNO'.
set parameter id 'EDN' field t_error_log-discno.
call transaction 'EC86' and skip first screen.
2007 Jul 19 9:44 AM
THe function codes are specified in the GUI status / PF status of that program. YOu can see the GUI Status/PF status of a program by the T.Code SE41.
Once you give the prorgram name & Status, you can see the list of function codes that are available.
Anish Thomas
<i>Pls mark all useful answers</i>
2007 Jul 19 11:24 AM