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Function Codes Automatically Recognised by ABAP

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I am studying Interactive Report these days, and found that there are some function codes automatically recognised by ABAP, for instance, function code BACK which associated with function key F3 has the functionality of BACK, and function code RW which associated with F12 has the functionality of CANCEL.

The material that I looked through gives 7 function codes, are there just 7 function codes that could automatically recognised by ABAP? If the answer is no, is there an official list that show all the function codes?

Thanks a lot.

Best Regards!

Stephanie HE


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The following are System GUI Status Values:

BACK u2014u2014 BACK

%EX u2014u2014 EXIT

RW u2014u2014u2014 CANCEL

PRI u2014u2014u2014 PRINT

%SC u2014u2014 FIND

%SC+ u2014u2014 FIND NEXT

P-- u2014u2014u2014u2014 FIRST PAGE

P- u2014u2014u2014u2014 PREVIOUS PAGE

P+ u2014u2014u2014u2014 NEXT PAGE

P++ u2014u2014u2014 LAST PAGE

Hope it would be helpful.

Best Regards,


Edited by: Rachel Qian on Jul 14, 2008 7:54 AM


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The statuses that you have mentioned are of Standard SAP code...

you can create your own function codes and defined own Function-Key for shortcut....

this you can do by defining PF-Status for the report screen...

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Welcome to SDN,

To my knowledge there are no list of function codes execpt standard menu bar function codes...

So if you like to know the function code in any SAP Screen then you just enter '/h' in the command text box and the press enter so that debugging is switched on.

Now press any icon or any key so that it will take you into debugging.... in the debugging screen enter SY-UCOMM in the text box and press enter so that you can capture the function code of that particular button.

This process do help during interface program ( BDC PROGRAM and also INTERACTIVE LIST PROGRAMMING to check with User defined push buttons )

Hope this would be helpful.

Revert back if any suggestions or clarifications needed.


Narin Nandivada.

Former Member
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Hi Stephanie HE,

There are more yhan 7 function codes . If you want to know these function codes then goto GUI status of the screen there you can find all the function codes used by that screen.

To find the GUI Status of a particular screen:

Goto the particular screen.

Menu Path

System ---> Status

Now you can find a screen System: Status

In that you have a field GUI status.

If u double click on the value in that field, you can find all the Function codes used in that screen.

Best regards,


Former Member
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The following are System GUI Status Values:

BACK u2014u2014 BACK

%EX u2014u2014 EXIT

RW u2014u2014u2014 CANCEL

PRI u2014u2014u2014 PRINT

%SC u2014u2014 FIND

%SC+ u2014u2014 FIND NEXT

P-- u2014u2014u2014u2014 FIRST PAGE

P- u2014u2014u2014u2014 PREVIOUS PAGE

P+ u2014u2014u2014u2014 NEXT PAGE

P++ u2014u2014u2014 LAST PAGE

Hope it would be helpful.

Best Regards,


Edited by: Rachel Qian on Jul 14, 2008 7:54 AM

0 Kudos


Goto SE80, Select Function Gorup, type function group name as SLVC, under the tree GUI status double click on STANDARD, there you can get list of stadard function codes.



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You can also check out the GUI Status of function group SLVC_FULLSCREEN . You can also copy the STANDARD_FULLSCREEN into your abap program status by right clicking on it and copy.