2006 Feb 26 10:19 AM
i have a print program and it's not layout, this rep use this FM.
how i can see the data in the "layout"
call function 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS'
exporting destination = usr01-spld
copies = count
list_name = 'ZKPRCPTS01'
list_text = txt
immediately = 'X'
release = 'X'
new_list_id = 'X'
expiration = days
line_size = 132
line_count = 65
layout = 'X_65_132'
sap_cover_page = ' '
receiver = sy-uname
department = ' '
no_dialog = 'X'
importing out_parameters = params
valid = valid.
2006 Feb 26 10:30 AM
This FM is used to get the user's print parameters. for eg if the output of your SAP Script is to a spool then through this function module we will get the spool parameters & the spool destination etc for eg if you check the output of this FM in debug mode you will get spool destination and the name of the spool request & this name will appear against the spool request when you go to spool.