2023 Dec 25 8:15 AM
I need a Fuba that saves my trasnlated Textelements into the DB.
Is there any
Kind Regards
2023 Dec 25 9:40 AM
2023 Dec 25 3:17 PM
Why are you limiting your question to only function modules? You have API, classes, ABAP statements and whatever...
2023 Dec 27 1:57 PM
INSERT TEXTPOOL creates a new Textpool, but doesn´t save the trasnlation into the corresponding tables.
So I can´t use this statement.
I was going through the se63 Transaction with the Debugger and found a lot of Functionmodules and then I wrote the question here. Maybe somebody has found one in this code to save the translations, but I am open to other solutions.
2023 Dec 27 2:01 PM
I don't know why you think that "INSERT TEXTPOOL creates a new Textpool, but doesn´t save the trasnlation into the corresponding tables."
What I read in the INSERT TEXTPOOL documentation:
2023 Dec 27 2:03 PM
I also find an example program, so it's really easy to test it:
2023 Dec 27 2:07 PM
Yeah this is what I want to build.
For example I got a Textpool in english and want to translate everything in german.
When I use Insert Textpool I get a new Textpool for the language german, but I don´t get the translation like in transaction se63.
2023 Dec 27 5:51 PM
So, what is left, is to get the translations proposed by SE63. It wasn't clear in your question as you didn't talk about SE63 and translation proposals. Probably function modules starting with LXE, as you probably already saw.
Development dependencies translator with Transport | SAP Blogs
2023 Dec 28 11:08 AM
Yeah I saw the LXE Function Modules but it wasn´t clear to me which one to take to save my translations into the database.