2007 Oct 10 3:36 PM
When ordering external data with the import button for a business partner in transaction BP I cant get the field Industry to display the data after receiving the external data. I use BADI interface :IF_EX_UKM_CREDIT_INFO~CHECK_EXT_INFO to save the incoming data . To get the data displayed in BP for business partner i use function modules like BUP_BUPA_BUT000_COLLECT for fields LEGAL_ENTY and FOUND_DAT. Legal form and date founded I don´t have any problem with. But there is no "collect" function for field IND_SECTOR so im not able to make this field display the industry sector which has been received. Do anyone know how to solve this ?
Best Regards
Andreas Westerlund
2007 Oct 11 11:41 AM
please just do the Debugging of your Related FM's and also
BUP_BUPA_BUT000_COLLECT just see the structure or the segment wheere all the data is Collected ...with in that is there the IND_SECTOR . if not then go one step before and check where it is missing .
Reward points if it is usefull......
2007 Oct 11 12:37 PM
Do you mean I should use BUP_BUPA_BUT000_COLLECT also for the IND_SECTOR field. This is not right I´m afraid. I know that structure/table BUT000 have IND_SECTOR but it's not beeing used. I need to have a COLLECT function module for table BUT0IS. Is it possible for me to create my own COLLECT FM for BUT0IS ? I think the COLLECT FM needs to be in the same Function GROUP, in this case BUD0. And it´s a SAP Function group so I cant make any changes in it.
BR Andreas