2007 Sep 20 8:02 AM
Hi all,
we have to display 38 lines of output G/L account and its value, which we have to breakup in 3 sets as 13,13 and 12 lines. (Check transaction AS03->Asset Values->Planned Values/Posted Values)
1. First 13 lines we have to display with net book value.
2. Second 13 lines we have to display as accumulative order depriciation value.(in Posted Values)
3. Third 12 line we have to display as order deprociation values.
All these vallues are inside AS03->Asset Values->Planned/Posted Values
But we are not able to identify where we can get these values, in which database table these values are stored.
Can anyone suggest how these values are populated in AS03 ?
2009 Nov 06 12:31 PM
2007 Sep 20 8:10 AM
2007 Sep 20 8:11 AM
2007 Sep 20 8:35 AM
ANLA is asset master data, not postings - the details you want are in ANLC for Asset value fields, ANEK / ANEP for asset documents and lines, ANLP for asset periodic values (depreciation), ANEA for asset proportional line items.
Check other AN* tables for additional asset data - SE16 lets you see if it is relevant to your requirements.
2009 Nov 06 12:31 PM