2023 Jun 05 12:29 PM
Hi ABAP experts
How do I force the Edge browser inside the HTML custom control (class CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER)?
We have an ECC 6 EHP7 system and are using the CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER class to display HTML content in a SAP window but the content requires a browser later than Internet Explorer (which is deprecated).
How do implement note 2913405 (SAP GUI for Windows: Dependencies to browsers / browser controls) to force the control to use Edge and Not IE?
I am using Microsoft Edge browser (It says I cannot install Edge WebView2 as its already installed), changed the SAP GUI option to "Edge (based on Chromium)".
Unfortunately the custom control still opens in IE mode.
I am currently calling "CALL METHOD html_control->show_url" after initialising my custom control.
2023 Jun 05 1:11 PM
What's your SAP GUI version?
SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 will allow use of WebView2 (Interaction Design, Control Settings, choose Edge (based on Chromium)i n group 'HTML Control')
2023 Jun 05 1:29 PM
Hi Raymond,
I am using SAP GUI 7.70 (Patch 10).
2023 Jun 07 8:02 AM
Hi all,
I have been informed that the SAP application server needs to be updated with the edge browser. Unfortunately, my client is using HP Solaris as the operating system so not sure how this will apply.