2008 Dec 18 3:53 PM
Hello experts,
is there a fm or something in order to start the internet explorer
in separat window so that I can give this ie-window parameters
for geodate google-maps ?
Has anybody experience in this ?
Thanks for help,
2008 Dec 18 3:55 PM
Hi there you can use a call_browser FM
to send the parametes to the site.. you need to analyse how google is using ur search criteria in the adress bar and send the URL accordingly.
........maps?f=d&saddr=Cleveland ,+ Ohio &daddr= seattle +wa &hl=en&geocode=&mra=pe&mrcr=0&sll=44.527843,-102.041016&sspn=29.551823,56.601562&ie=UTF8&ll=47.575599,-122.161102&spn=0.218641,0.4422&z=11
2008 Dec 18 3:54 PM
2008 Dec 18 3:55 PM
Hi there you can use a call_browser FM
to send the parametes to the site.. you need to analyse how google is using ur search criteria in the adress bar and send the URL accordingly.
........maps?f=d&saddr=Cleveland ,+ Ohio &daddr= seattle +wa &hl=en&geocode=&mra=pe&mrcr=0&sll=44.527843,-102.041016&sspn=29.551823,56.601562&ie=UTF8&ll=47.575599,-122.161102&spn=0.218641,0.4422&z=11
2008 Dec 18 4:09 PM