2007 Jan 11 3:34 AM
Dear fellow,
Anybody know the FM to get status background job in CRM whether it's active/cancelled/finished/schedules?
If you have that function and don't mind; could you share it to me? And explain to me how i fill the parameter & how i use it well.
Because if seek; i found parameter named JOBCOUNT; and really i don't know how i fill that parameter..
many thanks for ur attention.
best regards,
Daniel N.
available points for appraisal..
2007 Jan 11 3:44 AM
2007 Jan 11 4:08 AM
look in table TBTCO to find the job number (count) by job name as selection criteria..
also go to SE80,Function Group - BTCH,u will find all the FMs related to Batch Jobs.
Hope it will help.
2007 Jan 11 7:21 AM
Dear All,
I'd like to say thq for your attention,,,,
And Amit, i still don't know/get knowledge how to make a code.. If i only know the name of job; and then i search jobnumber there; the outcome must be more than one..
And how do i know what jobnumber that's active/running.
Actually, i wanna make a program like this:
1. I've background job to run some program for instance Program A where this background job run periodically.
2. I wanna make validation in that program A; if the previous background job still running, it means the next background job can't be executed.
3. I'll make program to get current status, to check whether the first background job is running, if running it means the next background job can't be executed.
Could you explain me..
Thq a lot fellow.
2007 Jan 11 7:32 AM
if u will see table TBTCO,u have to just specify the job name and if u know tht the job A is shceduled daily then u can simply give the start date as Sy-datum and see the fetch that record in ur program..
and this will also have a field called 'Job status' u can make use of tht field to call or not call the next batch job..
hope u got it
2007 Jan 11 4:13 AM
2007 Jan 11 4:34 AM
Check this link.You can get an idea.