2010 Jan 27 11:31 AM
In IP02 transaction we cannot delete multiple items for a maintenance plan.
Is there any FM which can be used for the same ?
If not how can we select data for multiple line items using BDC ,
i mean how can we identify specific item for a plan in recording.
Can anyone share your ideas ?
2010 Jan 28 9:27 AM
Created a custom transaction and deleted the records and updated at
the database level according to requirement.
But should also handle other impacts when scheduling cycle
and orders created using IP10 and IP24 transactions.
2010 Jan 27 7:25 PM
Please Check program RIIBIP00(Transaction IBIP), it can be used for change i guess, but didnt find any exact details for deletion.
2010 Jan 28 4:14 AM
Thanks for your response.
Unfortunately didn't get much help from it.
Is there any alternative method in which we can delete multiple items for a plan in IP02 ?
2010 Jan 28 8:55 AM
There is a fm PM_MPLAN_ARCHIVE_OBJECT wrapped in PM_MPLAN_WRITE_ARCHIVE but not so promising.
As you said there is no deletion facility seen in the transaction.
May be there should be atleast a possibility to set the deletion flag at the db level.
I'll get back to you if i come across anything.
2010 Jan 28 9:27 AM
Created a custom transaction and deleted the records and updated at
the database level according to requirement.
But should also handle other impacts when scheduling cycle
and orders created using IP10 and IP24 transactions.