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Flexible list of drop down value of a field within table controls

Active Participant

Hi Gurus,

So as the question stated in the title, here is the case.

I have created a screen with table controls, and fields in it. One of the fields is a dropdown list field type.

The question is: is it possible for the list of value of the field ( the one with dropdown list) to have a different list of values for each row of data of the same field inside the table controls such as shown in pic 1 and 2 below?

here is the expected case I wanted to happen

pic 1. ( the first row of data shows list of value '1' OR '2' since the 'group' value is blank

pic 2. ( the second row of data shows list of value '3' or '4' since the 'group' value = '1'

so I've tried 2 things:

1. put the syntax in the 'process on value-request' module to get the list of possible values of the dropdown list ( which does not work for dropdown list field type, but works well for regular input field type with the F4 search help button )

2. put the syntax in PBO inside the loop at table control to generate the list of values using FM VRM_SET_VALUES, but still it does not work as it only show the list of values based on the last time the FM is called. ( based on the below case, it will show option '3' or '4' for all row of data of the field, instead of only the field on row 2 )

is that case even possible?


Active Contributor

I tried all the possibilities I know (POV, PBO and search help), but couldn't find a solution, so I guess it's not possible.

You can set one list of values per field ID. All fields in one column have the same field ID.

Workarounds: classic F4 help, ALV Grid.


Active Contributor

I tried all the possibilities I know (POV, PBO and search help), but couldn't find a solution, so I guess it's not possible.

You can set one list of values per field ID. All fields in one column have the same field ID.

Workarounds: classic F4 help, ALV Grid.

0 Kudos

I see.

Much appreciated.