2011 Mar 04 10:01 PM
I have this requirement to identify all the custom programs/function modules/user exits which use action code (MASSN) and reason codes (MASSG).
I am not very sure on what is the best way of doing it. I was thinking about doing a where used on these fields, but have a feeling that this would be a very raw way of doing it and was not sure if this would take care of all the programs.
I did a where used on PA0000-MASSN, P0000-MASSN, T529A-MASSN, but my concern here is, there could be programs referring to MASSN in other tables/structures too (not just PA000,P0000 or T529A). How would I capture such programs. Is there a better/recommended way of doing this.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
2011 Mar 05 3:25 AM
You can use program 'RS_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN' to know where the field is used.
Enter the string you want to search in 'String searched for' and in 'Program Name' ,
give the programs or simply enter Z*.
2011 Mar 05 3:25 AM
You can use program 'RS_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN' to know where the field is used.
Enter the string you want to search in 'String searched for' and in 'Program Name' ,
give the programs or simply enter Z*.
2011 Mar 08 10:18 PM