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Filter out temporary RFX Event ID from api output when event document is editing

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  • SAP Managed Tags:


We are currently setting up data automation using SAP Ariba API's to pull RFX event and sourcing project data to replicate into our own tender's portal. Every ten minutes a script runs to pull the latest data to replicate to the other system, if relevant.

We've recently noticed a behavior for RFXDocument document types for the internal ID, that if the document is being edited in Ariba when the script runs, a different internal ID is returned. Once the event document has finished editing and saved, the returned ID is reported as the correct one. We assume this new ID is a temporary, hidden document used to save the changes till they are saved to the document.

For example, when not being edited, any updates to the event returns the correct id of:

"InternalId": "Doc1395976349",

but when the event is being edited by the owner and hasn't saved the edit when the script runs, we get a different ID such as below. This unknown ID changes each time.
"InternalId": "Doc1400548792",

Is there a way to filter out these temporary ID's so they are not reported? Perhaps they ahve a flag or other indicator we could look for in the returned data?

Thank you,

Adam Hartling

Province of Nova Scotia
Department of Service Nova Scotia and Internal Services Procurement – Business Intelligence


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  • SAP Managed Tags:

Hi Adam,

From little investigation that I could do, I think this is one potential way of dealing with such temporary records:
There is a field called "DocumentId" in the metadata for RFXDocument, I added that to my view template. I think what you should do is check if the "InternalId" and "DocumentId.InternalId" in API response are different for a specific record. if yes, that would mean it is a temporary RFX record which will eventually go to Archived state. Let me know if that logic works out for you.