2005 Aug 29 7:41 AM
Hi All,
I'm trying to call a transaction with a big number (>8) of selection-entries.
To do this I'm trying to fill a bdcdata table, somewhat like this:
'SAPMM08N' '0100' 'X' 'BDC_OKCODE' '%001',
'SAPLALDB' '3000' ' ' 'RSCSEL-SLOW_I(01)' '9100376753',
'SAPLALDB' '3000' ' ' 'RSCSEL-SLOW_I(02)' '9100376754',
'SAPLALDB' '3000' ' ' 'RSCSEL-SLOW_I(03)' '9100376755',
'SAPLALDB' '3000' ' ' 'RSCSEL-SLOW_I(04)' '9100376756',
'SAPLALDB' '3000' ' ' 'RSCSEL-SLOW_I(05)' '9100376757',
'SAPLALDB' '3000' ' ' 'RSCSEL-SLOW_I(06)' '9100376758',
'SAPLALDB' '3000' ' ' 'RSCSEL-SLOW_I(07)' '9100376759',
'SAPLALDB' '3000' ' ' 'RSCSEL-SLOW_I(08)' '9100376714',
'SAPLALDB' '3000' ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' 'LINS',
'SAPLALDB' '3000' ' ' 'RSCSEL-SLOW_I(09)' '9100376524',
'SAPLALDB' '3000' ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' 'ACPT'.
Problem is that the SAP tries to fill the field RSCSEL-SLOW_I(09) before executing the LINS okcode. This leads to a "not ready for input" error.
Is there a way to force the execution of the okcode LINS, before fillig other fields? Or, is there an alternative to add a selection table of more than 9 lines to transaction call (the SUBMIT alternative won't work since the called program is a modulepool...)
Kind regards from a sunny Holland,
PS. TCode is MIR6 (SAP Retail)
2005 Aug 29 7:56 AM
During BDC the line item will work like no of lines visible...
actual line item | table controls lines
10 | 1
20 | 2
30 | 3
30 | 4
50 | 5
60 | 6
70 | 7
80 | 8
here insert on page down ok-code
90 | 1
100 | 2
110 | 3
120 | 4
130 | 5
140 | 6
150 | 7
160 | 8
here insert on page down ok-code
170 | 1
while coding we hv to do code for table control line.
2005 Aug 29 7:56 AM
During BDC the line item will work like no of lines visible...
actual line item | table controls lines
10 | 1
20 | 2
30 | 3
30 | 4
50 | 5
60 | 6
70 | 7
80 | 8
here insert on page down ok-code
90 | 1
100 | 2
110 | 3
120 | 4
130 | 5
140 | 6
150 | 7
160 | 8
here insert on page down ok-code
170 | 1
while coding we hv to do code for table control line.
2005 Aug 29 8:57 AM
After '08' line when you enter 'newline' ok-code, you will have to refresh the screen.