2007 May 19 10:07 PM
i need to write a billing report in sd. where i need to use these fields.
cost center
annual budget of cost center
revenue budget
could any one tell me from which tables and which fields can i get these values for the selected billing document.
2007 May 20 2:49 AM
Cost center field - KOSTL
VBRK-BELNR -- BSEG-BELNR ,then get the kostl field from BSEG ..
annual budget of cost center
revenue budget
above fields - you need calculate based on ur Specification.
Reward Points if it is helpful
2007 May 20 6:22 AM
Cost center field is there in Billing Doc Item Table itself (VBRP-KOSTL)
But most of the items this was not filled, first check it in VBRP
other wise have to take it from AR (Account Receivables) related tables BSIk or BSAK , KOSTL field
Other fields like revenue budget and Annual budget are the calculated fields based on DMBTR and WRBTR fields in the BSIK/BSAK tables, based on your requirement.
Reward points if useful