2008 Oct 01 3:43 AM
I want add ZAUFNR to VA01 screen in header area ( additional fields- b). and i have Appended field in VBAK table .till hear fine .
and when i try to add field in screen 8309 it is asking for Accses key . please some one suggest me how to i proceed further.
I have searched in the fourm also but i didnt get any suitable answer and tell whether i may be doing wrong.
2008 Oct 01 4:52 AM
> it is asking for Accses key . please some one suggest me how to i proceed further.
it will ask the access key , for the first time you need to supply it for the first time. take the screen shot of the screen and send it to basis, basis will provide it.
for va01 this is the stnadard approach.
2008 Oct 01 4:52 AM
> it is asking for Accses key . please some one suggest me how to i proceed further.
it will ask the access key , for the first time you need to supply it for the first time. take the screen shot of the screen and send it to basis, basis will provide it.
for va01 this is the stnadard approach.
2008 Oct 01 6:46 AM
step 1) Append z### fields in vbak table.
step 2) Screen number - 8309 . Sales Document - Header - User Exit Header
In layout ckick change mode
This will ask for access key
Take the screen shot of the window when access key is asked and send to your basis team ,
they will provide you the access key for that object.
After you give accesskey - in the layout add the z## fields which you appended in vbak table.
if you need more information kindly let me know.
2008 Oct 01 3:10 PM