2005 Jun 27 2:42 PM
Hello every one...i am totally new to FICO abap...to say i dont no anything abt FICO...but i have a develop below said requirement....can anyone please help me with the procedure( the code, if possible, to understand better)and the related transaction codes for FICO..
Here is the requirement...
'To develop a program to read open transactions posted to Accounts Receivable / Payable and to derive the correct PRofit centre from the line item master records (WBS, cost Centres etc.). Then to produce a report analysing the spend by derived profit centre'.
2005 Jun 27 2:58 PM
The main tables for A/R and A/P open documents are BSIK and BSID. Each of them have the customer or vendor number as well as the FI and CO document numbers and the cost center and profit center. These are index tables for BSEG and BKPF where you will find more data.
2005 Jun 27 4:12 PM
Hi everybody,
you should perform a query similar to this:
data: begin of t_data occurs 0 with header line,
lifnr like bsik-lifnr,
kunnr like bsid-kunnr,
prctr like bseg-prctr,
wrbtr like bseg-wrbtr,
waers like bseg-waers,
end of t_data.
select * from bsik...
select *
from bseg
where bukrs = bsik-bukrs
and belnr = bsik-belnr
and gjahr = bsik-gjahr
and koart = 'S'.
t_data-lifnr = bsik-lifnr.
t_data-prctr = bseg-prctr.
t_data-wrbtr = bseg-wrbtr.
t_data-waers = bseg-waers.
collect t_data.
...this could be a start.
I hope it helps. BR,
2005 Jun 27 3:23 PM
Hi Madhu,
important table in CÓ:
-COSP :CO Object: Cost Totals for External Postings
-GLPCA: EC-PCA: Actual Line Items
-PROJ: Project definition
-PRPS : WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data
*standard report
regards Andreas