2010 Feb 16 1:15 PM
Hi expert,
I am getting one issue in Payment advice peinting issue in Tcode f-58.
This printing program is already made earlier by abaper. now when we post amount in f-58 the print program coming automatically , but in printout some values are not coming right.
supose my print out
Issue : The payment advice is not considering the withholding tax amount
Is a bill is booked for 100 and tds deducted 10 and payment made is 90.
but at the header i m disolaying to this in net amount there is showing 80.
Format is :
header in main window.
Please find enclosed herewith payment of Rs. 80 ( ®UD-SNETT&) instead of 90 vide cheque No. 2345.
Doc no. date Pterms Invoice No. Paid Amt Narration
17000584 09.02.2010 10000031 10 tds
18000023 05.02.2010 I004 10000043 90 sample testing
sum Total (®ud-swrbt&) 100
Please tell me how can i resolve it.
2010 Feb 16 2:28 PM
There are many (some recent) OSS notes related to "F-58" "withholding" "tax", check for notes relevant your system.
(From [Note 383071 - F-58: Manual check printout for dwn pymts w/withholding tax|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/383071] to [Note 954542 - TA F-58: Withholding tax amounts on payment form|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/954542]...)
2010 Mar 08 10:53 AM