2010 Aug 06 11:28 AM
Can anyone tell me how to do data consolidation and elimination using Tables ECMCT,TF556A and TF543.
Moderator message: not related to ABAP development, please post again in the appropriate functional forum.
locked by: Thomas Zloch on Aug 6, 2010 1:28 PM
2010 Aug 06 11:41 AM
Data consolidation is ex In the SAP system, consolidation functions in financial accounting are based on companies. A company can comprise one or more company codes. for example: Company A have 4 company codes which is existing in different state and / or country. When Company A wants to consolidated the accounts, it will give the common list of accounts which in turn called group chart of accounts. Group chart of account is used to define/ list the GL account uniformly for all company codes.
Moderator message: copy/paste without credit, do not repeat, this can lead to account deletion!
Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Aug 6, 2010 1:30 PM