2022 Dec 16 9:14 AM
Dear all,
I am trying to use the method of the following BADI: CEWB_TSK_UPDATE->CHECK_TSK_AT_SAVE. This method is usually triggered when we try to save data related to task list, e.g., when we save in tcode IA01, this method will do a check. Why I need this method, is to fetch the data that are saved in business transaction IA01 and send them in my custom program. So, the code would we as follows:
PERFORM get_data.
Now inside this perform I want to fetch the data that we saved in this transaction. How can I use this method to achieve this functionality? So, how can I use this method to fetch the importing parameters of this method?
Thanks and any help is greatly appreciated!!
2022 Dec 16 9:52 AM
Maybe with a SingleTon class otherwise use the transaction SHMA (little bit more complex)
2022 Dec 16 11:31 AM
The programs of a call sequence have common access to the ABAP memory. EXPORT ... TO MEMORY saves the data cluster in the ABAP memory. Export data in a BAdI and import it later.
2022 Dec 23 10:42 AM
Implement the BAdI, in the method of the implementing class you can export required data to memory and read it from memory later.
Or play with singleton to save and read later the data of course 🙂