2010 Sep 07 7:37 AM
Hi Friends,
I have simple select query in which i am fetching fields gjahr mwskz hkont ktosl from BSET table where mwskz(Sales tax code) from selection screen. As BSET is a cluster table and i dont have any primary key available to fetch data from it, the only field is MWSKZ to fetch data from this table. Please suggest how to improve the performance and reduce the execution time.
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Edited by: kishan P on Sep 7, 2010 12:34 PM
2010 Sep 12 6:39 AM
Hi Rudhir,
I am giving the one solution, but it is not recomanded. You can convert Culter table to transparent table (data base table) and then only you can do the index on table. But before converting cluster table to transparant table Please check the volume of data, If is to large the only you can do.
2010 Sep 07 2:09 PM
Not all problems have good solutions. My advice is to suck it up and run this in the background.
2010 Sep 13 9:05 AM
2010 Sep 12 6:39 AM
Hi Rudhir,
I am giving the one solution, but it is not recomanded. You can convert Culter table to transparent table (data base table) and then only you can do the index on table. But before converting cluster table to transparant table Please check the volume of data, If is to large the only you can do.
2010 Sep 13 9:13 AM
Hi Ravi shankar,
Thanks for ur valuable suggestion.
Please explain how to convert cluster table into transparent table. As my data volume will be large.
Do we declared the internal table in which the data get fetched as standard table or something else?
Thanks in advance.
2010 Sep 13 1:59 PM
1) Contrary to what you said in your opening post, table BSET has a a primary key. What it does not have is a secondary index.
2) BSET is a standard SAP table. I would not recommend changing anything on the standard SAP table other than adding secondary indexes (that is not an option for this table) or appending structures (custom fields). Do not change from cluster to transparent. If nothing else works (wort case scenario) run this program as a batch job.
3) Explore the possibility of using BKPF in conjunction with this table. You will not be able to use joins with cluster tables but you can use for all entries. Try to see in BKPF has any index that you can use. If you can, you will be able to read BSET with the primary key.
2010 Oct 02 9:03 PM
Thanks Mark,
I added the BKPF table also and fetched the data from BSET by for all entries with BKPF. Now the problem solved as the performacne got increased.