2008 Nov 06 12:07 AM
I need to restrict FD32 for two types of users. One group of users should have credit limit not more thank $5000 and other group has unlimited.
How can I do this? Can someone throw me some light on this?
2008 Nov 07 2:24 PM
Follow the steps It will help you a lot
Create a role (say)pfcg then to menu tab in that you will find
transactions-->add Tcode and then goto authorizations tab
in that Expert mode for profile generation
here you will see Define organisations level in that
you will find
Company code and
credit control area
select credit control area --->click F4
here you find entries in that select the limit and assign the
limit to the different users.
you said that for another user you need to give other user
Unlimited restriction then create another role and in credit
control area just put ' * ' and this is how you can give unlimited
to other user.Try it our It will surely help,
2008 Nov 07 2:24 PM
Follow the steps It will help you a lot
Create a role (say)pfcg then to menu tab in that you will find
transactions-->add Tcode and then goto authorizations tab
in that Expert mode for profile generation
here you will see Define organisations level in that
you will find
Company code and
credit control area
select credit control area --->click F4
here you find entries in that select the limit and assign the
limit to the different users.
you said that for another user you need to give other user
Unlimited restriction then create another role and in credit
control area just put ' * ' and this is how you can give unlimited
to other user.Try it our It will surely help,
2008 Nov 07 4:02 PM
This sound to be good but just wondering if we need to ask the config team to create Credit control areas in a such a way that one credit control area with $5k and other with unlimited.
2008 Nov 07 9:33 PM
I recommend that you talk to you functional person, particularly about what a Credit Control Area is (intended for..)..
2008 Nov 10 10:07 AM
Hi Sagarika
All the best carry on then,Its their issue they need to help
you to carry on your work easier.