2007 May 23 8:22 AM
Hi evrbody
am using the code below to pass values to the transaction FBL3N.The issue is even though it is taking the values the values are not being passed to the FBL3n tcode.i have to again give the value there.Please help me and also compile the code once so dat u get a clear idea about it.Even if i give the "CALL TRANSACTION 'FBL3N' AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN " the values that are given by me are not being proceesed .please help...
with regards
types: begin of gty_acccoco,
saknr like ska1-saknr,
bukrs like skb1-bukrs,
gvtyp like ska1-gvtyp,
end of gty_acccoco.
tables: b0sg, rfxpo, itemset.
tables: sscrfields.
data: gt_accoco type standard table of gty_acccoco,
gt_accoco_bs type standard table of gty_acccoco,
gd_accoco type gty_acccoco.
selection-screen function key 1.
selection-screen begin of block glaccount with frame title text-w02.
select-options: GLACCT for skb1-saknr modif id wkl no database selection.
selection-screen end of block glaccount.
selection-screen begin of block company with frame title text-w03.
select-options: CODE for skb1-bukrs modif id wkl no database
selection-screen end of block company.
selection-screen begin of block items with frame title text-007.
selection-screen begin of block status with frame title text-002.
selection-screen begin of line.
parameters x_opsel like itemset-xopsel radiobutton group rad1. .
selection-screen comment 3(20) text-003 for field x_opsel.
selection-screen end of line.
parameters pa_stida like rfpdo-allgstid default sy-datlo.
selection-screen skip.
selection-screen begin of line.
parameters x_clsel like itemset-xclsel radiobutton group rad1.
selection-screen comment 3(25) text-004 for field x_clsel.
selection-screen end of line.
select-options so_augdt for bsis-augdt no database selection.
parameters pa_stid2 like rfpdo-allgstid.
selection-screen skip.
selection-screen begin of line.
parameters x_aisel like itemset-xaisel radiobutton group rad1 DEFAULT 'X'.
selection-screen comment 3(20) text-005 for field x_aisel.
selection-screen end of line.
select-options so_budat for bsis-budat no database selection.
selection-screen end of block status.
selection-screen begin of block type with frame title text-006.
parameters: x_norm like itemset-xnorm as checkbox default 'X',
x_shbv like itemset-xshbv no-display,
x_merk like itemset-xmerk as checkbox,
x_park like itemset-xpark as checkbox,
x_apar like itemset-xarit no-display.
selection-screen end of block type.
selection-screen end of block items.
selection-screen begin of block list with frame title text-001.
selection-screen end of block list.
*select-options so_faedt for it_pos-faedt no-display.
parameters: pa_cent type c no-display.
data: gp_yrper type rwcoom-fiscper.
select-options: so_yrper for gp_yrper no-display.
parameters: pa_inet type c no-display.
parameters: pa_grid type c no-display.
2007 May 23 8:26 AM
It will not work, u have to use SET PARAMETER ID statement set variable first: e.g.
'CON' FIELD connection.
2007 May 23 8:28 AM
hi jogdand
can u specify me at which part of the code i need to mention the lines that u gav me....
2007 May 23 8:28 AM
As FBL3N is a enjoy transaction, I think you can't call it using call transaction.
Reward points if useful.