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FB70 Note Long Text at Runtime

0 Kudos


I have the requirement to read the Long Texts (Notes) that were placed by position on transaction FB70 at runtime so I can place them on the Mexican Electronic Invoice as the description of the material instead of the field sgtxt.

I have been investigating but I only see cases that want to read the notes when the document was already created but not at runtime before the document is created.

The document header texts that we have for Electronic Invoice everytime you change one one the standard code put it on memory with an EXPORT XXX TO MEMORY.. so you are able to retrive them after but is not the case for the Notes at position level.

Anyone knoe if there is a function module or class that I can use to read the Notes before the creation of the document.


Active Contributor

The good old READ_TEXT FM should be able to read data from memory before database update, but execute it in the transaction LUW. Use also FM GET_TEXT_MEMORY to list of long texts currenty in memory, in case you didn't find item note texts by mistake (Should be object = DOC_ITEM, ID = 0001, Name = company+blanks for doc nr+year+item)

0 Kudos

Hi Raymond,

Thanks for your response.

I tried what you said with no luck, I'm able to see the header texts with the procedure you describe without any issue but the Note text at position level is not there.

Also I did a debug of the process and what I see is that for the header texts as soon as I type something there and close the pop up window on the back a process start to store the typed text on the global variable of the catalog but this does not happend when I type a text on the Note field at position level, this process of save the text at memory on the catalog table is not executed.



I will suppose that when you enter only a short text in the pop-up window and don't click on the icon for more text the text is not yet passed to SapScript Function Group STXD but keep in memory of FI Function Group FTXT or generic note group EENO, some debug exploration of memory seems required, also this can be true even if long text dialog occured...