2023 Oct 20 6:12 PM
Hello Guys,
Hope every one doing great.
I extended standard consumption cds view: C_ARGlobalFilterOvw to add additional column called Customer Account Group. I can see newly added column in the data preview and i can see that field in filters as well,
but if i click on F4 help button, values are not displaying in F4 popup. Below added code snippet and pls advise am i missing something.
Tried all the possibilities to get the F4 values as list, but no luck. Since it was not working, commented few annotations
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewAppendName: 'ZFI_C_ARAGFO'
@EndUserText.label: 'Extension for C_ARGlobalFilterOvw'
@VDM.viewExtension: true
extend view C_ARGlobalFilterOvw with ZFI_C_C_ARGlobalFilterOvw
association [1..1] to I_CustomerAccountGroupStdVH as _CustomerAccountGroup on $projection.CustomerAccountGroup = _CustomerAccountGroup.CustomerAccountGroup
@UI.selectionField: {position: 31, exclude: false }
// @UI.textArrangement: #TEXT_LAST
//@ObjectModel.filter.enabled: true
//@Consumption.filter: { selectionType: #SINGLE, multipleSelections: true, mandatory: false }
//@Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [{ entity:{ name: 'I_CustomerAccountGroupStdVH', element: 'CustomerAccountGroup' } }]
//@Consumption.valueHelp: '_CustomerAccountGroup' //'I_CustomerAccountGroupStdVH' //
//@ObjectModel.text.association: '_CustomerAccountGroup'
@ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_CustomerAccountGroup'
@EndUserText.label: 'Customer Account Group'
//@Search.defaultSearchElement: true
_Customer.CustomerAccountGroup as CustomerAccountGroup,
2024 Oct 07 12:06 PM