2009 Jan 05 2:19 PM
Hi experts,
My aim is to save on a USB key, for example, all reports in the PC on which I have done my training for use on my personal machine.
In other words, how I can export and import package?
Thanks in Advance,
2009 Jan 05 3:47 PM
By going into program - Choose 'Utilities' on file menu - choose 'More utilities' - choose 'upload/download' - Download. - This file could be text file or doc file. you can choose it when you save
When you want to upload. Create a new program and upload in same way.
2009 Jan 05 2:33 PM
Hi Zakaria,
you need to copy ( or export ) each and individual report into notepad and move to your USB,
That is only solution.
2009 Jan 05 3:47 PM
By going into program - Choose 'Utilities' on file menu - choose 'More utilities' - choose 'upload/download' - Download. - This file could be text file or doc file. you can choose it when you save
When you want to upload. Create a new program and upload in same way.
2009 Jan 06 12:54 AM
2009 Jan 06 2:13 AM
We have Bunch of utilites for downloading package content but there is some limitation with them.have a look at [search results|https://forums.sdn.sap.com/search.jspa?threadID=&q=download+Package&objID=c42&dateRange=all&numResults=15]