2007 Aug 24 2:30 PM
I need to create material component and BOM to network. I'm using BAPI BAPI_NETWORK_COMP_ADD. When I input a BOM in transaction CN22, I have the option to Explode BOM, so the materials are copied to network and the BOM are marked (already been exploded).
The problem is: I can`t do this with the BAPI_NETWORK_COMP_ADD, I`v created the BOM and the exploded materials, but the bom it`s not marked as exploded, I can explode it again in the CN22.
At transaction, a material have ITEM CATEGORY = L, and a BOM have ITEM CATEGORY = T, using the bapi I can only insert items with category L.
Somebody can help me?
2007 Aug 24 2:35 PM
hmmm i dont know if thgis helps you but exploding BOM´s i use following 3 FM´s
CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2 "for materialBOM´s
CS_BOM_EXPL_KND_V1 "for customeroderBOM´
2007 Aug 24 3:04 PM
I the really, I`m using the function CSAP_MAT_BOM_READ, this give me a list of the associed materials. With this I create a table with the BOM and the materials, to use in bapi.
But the bapi insert the BOM as material, in the transaction CN22, and I can explode it again. I would like insert a BOM as "exploded" BOM, because I`m already inserting its material.
Tnx for the help!
2007 Aug 24 2:58 PM
Here are the function modules
You can use the category L, see the tables, there in one of the table you can pass the Catagory
2007 Aug 24 3:10 PM