2007 Sep 26 6:51 AM
hi gurus
what is header table?
what is item table?
pls explain....
2007 Sep 26 6:55 AM
Header table contains Header related data and Item table contains Item related data.
To give as an example - EKKO is Purchase Order Header table which contains details like Purchase Order No, Order creation date, Purchasing Org, Vendor etc.
EKPO is Purchase Order Item table which contains PO Item related data like, Item No, Material No, Account Assignment Category, Quantity, Unit of Measure etc.
Similarly you have VBAK and VBAP for Sales Order Header and Item tables and so on.
2007 Sep 26 6:56 AM
Header will be always a single time data in a transaction
where as Item data is Multiple lines of data
Item data in most of the times consists of more number of lines.
see the header and Item related tables for some Tcodes
Tcode Header Item
VA01 VBAK VBAP Sales order
VL01N LIKP LIPS Delivery
VF01 VBRk VBRP Invoice/Billing Doc
ME21N EKKO EKPO Pur order
Reward If helpful.
2007 Sep 26 6:58 AM
for example in case of purchase order it will have details like pur org,comp code,materials,their qty,price,etc...
so the common things like pur ord,comp code,etc..are treated as header data and they will stored in one table(header table).eg:ekko for purchase order
the individual details of each item(material in case of pur ord.)will be treated as item data and will be stored in another table(item table)eg:ekpo for purchase order
2007 Sep 26 6:59 AM
Hi Sankar ,
Header table is the table which stores the data is common throught the document , while the item table stores the data specific to the item of the document.
Here is an e.g. , consider a sales order , it will have the follwoting details
1. Person to whom it was sold ,
2. Who Sold it
3. Address to which bill is to be send
4. What all items are there in the SO
5 Price of each item and other specifications.
assume there are 2 items in the SO with diff quantity and hence prices ,
Now in this case 1,2,3 will be common to both the items , but 4 and 5 are specific to the material.
Now if we store all the data in the same table then we will have to store the same data (point 1,2,3) for all the items thus increasing the space required by table and resulting in data redundancy which is not a good practise , hence what is done is the data that is common to all items in the doc are stored in the header table and data specific to each item is stored in the item table.
Hope this helps , feel free to revert back in case of any further queries.
Assign points for helpful answers.
2007 Sep 26 7:03 AM
Whenever any buisness document generate on that time its divided into two part one is document identification and second is item identification.
document identification is same for all item for one document.
so in header table all values of document identification inserted and in item table all item identification entries are stored.
2007 Sep 26 7:04 AM
HEADER TABLE-The table which stores the header data or the main data of the particular business
ITEM TABLE-The table which stores the item data for those particular header data stores in the header table.