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Could someone breif me on basics of :

(1)Screen exit

(2)User exit

(3)Menu exit

(4)Function exit

(5)Field exit


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Former Member
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1).Screen Exit is nothing but enhancing the screen like creating some more fields, subscreen and so on.

1. Go to the screen>System>Status-->Program (Double

click this program. It will take you to the program.

2. Now, Goto-->Object Directory Entry.

3. Make a note the package name.

4. Now run the transactions SMOD, press F4 and enter the

above noted package, press enter.

5. It will display list of Exits.

6. Now go back to the initial screen SMOD.

7. Specify the exit name here and select the radio button


8. It will display four group boxes one for FM, second

for Fcodes, thrid for Screen areas and last for


9. Goto transaction CMOD, create a new project, and

click the button "Enhancement assignments" and

specify your enhancements that you got in SMOD.

10. Now bouble clikc the enhancement, it will take you to editor with some includes starting with Z, double clikc the include you want to edit and proceed.

2).User exits (Function module exits) are exits developed by SAP.

The exit is implementerd as a call to a functionmodule.

The code for the function module is writeen by the developer.

You are not writing the code directly in the function module,

but in the include that is implemented in the function module.

The naming standard of function modules for functionmodule exits is:

EXIT_<program name><3 digit suffix>

The call to a functionmodule exit is implemented as:

CALL CUSTOMER.-FUNCTION ❤️ digit suffix>


As of Release 4.6A SAP provides a new enhancement technique, the Business Add-Ins.

Among others, this enhancement technique has the advantage of being based on a multi-level system landscape (SAP, country versions, IS solutions, partner,

customer, and so on) instead of a two-level landscape (SAP, customer) as with the customer exits.

You can create definitions and implementations of business add-ins at any level of the system landscape.

To unify enhancements of the SAP Standard you can migrate customer exits to business add-ins.

Former Member
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User exits (Function module exits) are exits developed by SAP. The exit is implementerd as a call to a function module. The code for the function module is written by the developer. You are not writing the code directly in the function module, but in the include that is implemented in the function module.

The naming standard of function modules for functionmodule exits is:

EXIT_<program name><3 digit suffix>

The call to a functionmodule exit is implemented as:

CALL CUSTOMER.-FUNCTION ❤️ digit suffix>

To find a Exit.

Goto Transaction -- Find The Package

SMOD >f4>Use the Package here to Find the Exits In the Package.

Else if you Want to search by Application Area wise ,

There is one more tab to find the Exits in the Respective Application Area.

Implementing the Exit-- CMOD Create ProjectsAssgn your Component .

Now Run ur Transaction to Check if it Triggers.

Thats it..

Suppose you need to find out all the user exits related to a tcode.

1. Execute the Tcode.

2. Open the SAP program.

3. Get the Development Class.

4. Execute Tcode SE84.

5. Open the Node 'Envir. -> Exit Techniques -> 'Customer Exits -> Enhancements'

6. Enter the Development class and execute.

Check out this thread..

1. Type the transaction : system->status-> <PROG. NAME>

2 open SE37 , type EXIT<PROG NAME> and press F4 to get the list of function exits available.

3. Open CMOD utilities->SAP enhancements

EDIT->All selections

4.type the function module name obtained in step 2, in fields 'component name' in 'additional selections' block. and execute.

5. The displayed list contains the enhancements names for the transaction You were looking for.

6. Create a project in CMOD and the code in default include->activate.

which gives the list of exits for a tcode

For information on Exits, check these links


These links will help you to learn more on user exits.

Also please check these threads for more details about user exits.

1. Document on UserExits in FI/CO

2. Finding User Exits...

3. List of all User Exits...

1. Customer exits: Implemented as Function Modules within z includes. Anybody can change it and no access key is required.

2. User Exit: Implemented as subroutines within includes (any include except y or z includes). You need access for the specific include and then you can any subroutine (user exit) within that Include.

BADIs are the enhanced version of user exits where the same logic is implemented via classes and object (OOP)

Enchancement point is the latest once introduces with ECC6.0 . Not very sure about that but you can change it without any access key.

Please go through the following link which will help you understand the exits in a much better way:

User Exits.


customer exits

Menu Exit.

1. Previously there were only user-exits.

2. Then came the concept of customer-exits.

3. user exits were nothing but subroutines


called from standard programs.

4. The FORM defintion was placed inside

an empty include file.

5. So It was called EVERYTIME.

and we need to MODIFY/REPAIR the

standard include .

6. Then it came with concept of customer-exit

7. It consists of calling a FUNCTION MODULE,

which is called only if

the user-exit is ACTIVATED (other wise not called)

In this case, the code in put inside

a pre-defined Z include.

8. Functionality of both is same, howerver

we can note the following important differences

a) Customer exit is called only if activated.

(hence, it does not waste resources)

b) in customer exit, REPAIR does not happen

to the standard include.

Exits are basically the hooks whcih SAP has provided to add your own code.


just refer to the link below for step by step procedure with screen shots

Check this link:

Menu exits allow you to add your own functions to the pulldown menus in standard R/3 transactions. To take advantage of a menu exit, you first need to create a project as described in the section Creating an add-on project. Then, you must include the SAP enhancement package that contains the menu exit you want to use in your project. From the main screen of the Project management transaction, proceed as follows:

Select Enhancement components and choose Change.

The system lists all customer exits contained in the enhancements included in your project.

Place the cursor on the menu exit you want to add your own function to.

Choose Edit component.

The system displays technical information about the menu entry. It also displays two input fields where you can specify a language and the text you want your menu item to have.

Enter the name of your menu function (such as Special order method) in the field New text.

Choose Save text.

Your special menu function will not appear in the pulldown menu of the corresponding standard transaction until you activate your enhancement project.

Specifying a menu text and activating your project are not the only steps you need to take to make your own menu item work. After you carry out these steps, your menu item will appear, but it will not call a corresponding function. To attach your menu entry to its corresponding function, you need to create a function module for the function module exit associated with your menu text. This function module exit is part of the same SAP enhancement that contains the menu exit you used. Creating Customer-Specific Function Modules tells you more about how to use function module exits.

<b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>



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Screen exits add fields to screens in R/3 applications. SAP creates screen exits by placing special subscreen areas on a standard R/3 screen and calling a customer subscreen from the standard screen’s flow logic.

the tcode is cmod...

1.From the main screen of the Project management transaction, proceed as follows:

Select Enhancement components and choose Change.

2.Choose Edit component.

3.Choose the screen exit and double click on it

4.Create your subscreen using the Screen Painter.

5.Design your screen to be added to the standard screen and activate the particular screen and return back to the flow logic .

6.Choose the PAI and PBO to write down the logic.

7.Generate your screen and choose Back (the green arrow) to return to the Project management transaction.

8.Go to the transaction ME22 to view the customer defined screen exit.

9.Enter the purchase order number and press Enter.

10.Go to the menu header --> Details.

11.Purchase number is visible on the standard screen <b>

Menu exits</b>

Menu exits allow you to add your own functions to the pulldown menus in standard R/3 transactions. To take advantage of a menu exit, you first need to create a project as described in the section Creating an add-on project. Then, you must include the SAP enhancement package that contains the menu exit you want to use in your project. From the main screen of the Project management transaction, proceed as follows:

Select Enhancement components and choose Change.

The system lists all customer exits contained in the enhancements included in your project.

Place the cursor on the menu exit you want to add your own function to.

Choose Edit component.

The system displays technical information about the menu entry. It also displays two input fields where you can specify a language and the text you want your menu item to have.

Enter the name of your menu function (such as Special order method) in the field New text.

Choose Save text.

Your special menu function will not appear in the pulldown menu of the corresponding standard transaction until you activate your enhancement project.

Specifying a menu text and activating your project are not the only steps you need to take to make your own menu item work. After you carry out these steps, your menu item will appear, but it will not call a corresponding function. To attach your menu entry to its corresponding function, you need to create a function module for the function module exit associated with your menu text. This function module exit is part of the same SAP enhancement that contains the menu exit you used. Creating Customer-Specific Function Modules tells you more about how to use function module exits.

also refer

Creating menu exits

For screen exits.

chech these links for user exists its usefull
