2008 Apr 17 3:04 AM
Anyone knows the tcodes which call this user exit? EXIT_SAPLCOZF_001
2008 Apr 17 3:08 AM
You can try it this way, get the package from the function module. Use transaction SE80 to display the package and the transaction codes associated. Maybe that can give you a hit list to check on.
2008 Apr 17 4:10 AM
2008 Apr 17 6:28 AM
You will find the enhancement for the exit EXIT_SAPLCOZF_001 ,go to se11>enetr MODSAP Table name in Memeber postion you can enter your function module name EXIT_SAPLCOZF_001>now you will get the enhancement COZF0001 (trx SMOD)
yOU will find whre the exit is called from the t.code Try this method:
All exits have the program name as part of their own name, for eg, EXIT_SAPLCOZF_001. In this, SAPLCOZF is the program that the exit is called in, you can use this program name and search for transaction codes related to the program (in SE93).
The only hitch in the above method is when the program name is a function group program name (SAPL*), in which case you will have to drill down into the function group to find the corresponding tcode.
Go to SMOD transaction.
Enter the Enhancement Name in SMOD.
Open in Display mode.
Now get the package name from the window.
Now go to transaction SE80.
Choose package from the listbox
and enter the package name.
Now it will display the list of Transactions associated with the project.
Kiran Sure
2008 Apr 17 7:18 AM
Hello Jackie,
EXIT_SAPLCOZF_001 is an User Exit and it's called in the Function Group COZF with
1. Find the Function Module in the Function Group COZF where this user exit call appears.
2. Find the program where the found Function Module is called (using the Where Used icon).
3. Goto SE16 and open table TSTC. Type in the in 2. found program name under the field name PGMNA (equivalent to Label Name Program).
4. Hit execute.
The related transaction code (there can be many Tcodes!) is displayed.
Good luck in your search,