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Excel to SAP Starting from Column Two

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I followed this tutorial to create a program to upload a excel sheet to an sap ztable.

How To SAP Upload Excel File With TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP (

I am wondering if there is a way to start filling in the data to the second column of the ztable. For example I have my ztable with client, name, age, email, etc... however my excel sheet does not contain client because that is a system input. I got around this by leaving an empty column but I would like to not do this every time I want to modify my ztable. Any sugesstions?


Active Contributor

go at the end of your documentation and look directly the ABAP2xlsx

it is a powerfull solution, in Oo programing

Active Contributor

what frdric.girod said, with an additional warning: skip the saplink thingy (it is obsolete) and go directly to the main source on GitHub.