2023 May 29 8:31 PM
I am receiving the pop up preview of the excel which I try to upload via a Z program. One of the recommendations is macro compatibility settings in excel. But can this be avoided at SAP level?
May I know the reason and how to avoid the same?
2023 May 30 9:24 AM
Which tool do you use to upload Xlsx file, those pop-up are usually triggered by some OLE2 tool (so actually executing Excel, so depends on user settings)
Did you try to use a tool such as Abap2Xlsx or look in the forum for customer XLSX writer (xml/zip)
2023 May 30 9:40 AM
Uploading a file by Z program doesn't mean opening the Excel file.
Please explain how you then open the Excel file, and share the screenshot of Excel message and the exact message text.
NB: you're right that SAP can't do anything on Excel messages, except making sure that the right file extension is used with the Excel file format (e.g. .xlsx must be used for Office Open XML format, .csv must be used for comma-separated values, etc.) to avoid useless Excel messages.
2023 Jun 06 3:23 PM
Actually, I am receiving the excel file preview with data(which I need to close later) while executing my custom program which later reads the file to an internal table. This did not happen in GUI 730 or lower.
2023 Jun 07 5:56 PM