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Excel Export blocked Macros


I am looking to open an Excel file from SAP but Excel gives me a security notice stating: "Microsoft has blocked macros from running because the source of the file is untrusted". With one option of Disable Macros, which if I click I just get a blank excel document opened.

I would greatly appreciate your help on this. All the articles online refer to files from a shared drive or local files. But here the file is opened from SAP. I do not have any option available but to click Disable Macros.

I have followed the steps mentioned here: and now only some Excel file open, but others don't.

Where does the _maste1.xlt template go in order to be used for all Excel files in SAP? Or how does this work?



We have the same problem when working with transaction KP46.

We cannot use this with the Excel interface because we get the same error.

It would be very important to get rapid support here.


I have pulled the following from a Reddit post and attempted to export a certificate. However, in step 3, there is no certificate to be found. I am new to SAP with this company, so I am not yet clear on where this certificate comes from or how to re-add it.

If someone knows how to perform that step, hopefully will resolve my EU's issue.

  1. Have the user run the report they want from SAP, which tries to export to Excel – however it will appear blank with an error about macros being blocked. We need the blank spreadsheet open to create the required certificate however.

  2. In the blank Excel document, open the developer tab in the ribbon (use customise ribbon in options if it isn’t there) and then click on Visual Basic.

  3. In the visual basic tab that opens, navigate to Tools > Digital Certificate, which will open another small window with the info from the SAP AG certificate associated with the report.

  4. Click on the second tab in this window, then the button ‘Save as File’, use all the default options to save the certificate as a .cer file.

  5. Locate the file you have created and double click to install it – when prompted with the option to choose a location for the certificate, pick the ‘Trusted Publisher’ folder from the list.

  6. SAP AG will now be listed a trusted publisher in Excel. Close the existing Excel windows and ask the user to run their report again, which should now export to Excel as normal.

0 Kudos

That reddit post is not the way.

I found the solution here:

- Login with your SAP portal account;

- download archive;

- extract the template from the archive;

- Run the report KPP7UT01 (must be done in the customizing client, otherwise the transport request is not created)

- Select the first radio button on the report section screen and press F8 (Execute)

- In the popup, select the excel template you store on your PC and conform the popup

- After this a new transport request is created, which can be then transported across your system landscape

It worked for us, transaction KP26.