2010 Oct 19 8:08 AM
I am using the BAPI - 'BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST' to do a Down Payment Request Posting (F-47).
Since this is a single line posting, BTE RWBAPI01 was implemented as given in the below link.
Inside the BAPI i have passed details in tables :account payable , currency amount & extension1.
However i get the error " Balance in transaction currency".
Please let me know if i need to pass any other details. Also what is the exact data that needs to be passed to extension table?
2010 Oct 19 10:20 AM
2010 Oct 21 11:43 AM
This was solved using the link given in the original post.
To summarise, the extension table was filled before calling the BAPI with the mentioned values(except ZUMSK = A) & inside the implementaion of the BTE these values were passed to ACCIT & ACCHD.