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Error using CS Operator

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I m generating an report in which i have to display Vendor code and vendor name, against some short description of name entered in selection screen.

For this i use cs operator , but it is showind an error

"CS" is not a valid comparison operator.

if s_lifnr is not initial .

select lifnr bukrs from lfb1

into table i_lfb1

where lifnr in s_lifnr

and ( bukrs eq p_bukrs ).

if i_lfb1[] is not initial.

select lifnr name1

from lfa1

into corresponding fields of table i_lfa1

for all entries in i_lfb1

where lifnr = i_lfb1-lifnr

and ( name1 cs s_name1 ).


Can anybody tell me where i m wrong.

Definitely rewards pts.

Best regards,

Aastha Gupta


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi AAstha,

Is you s_name1 is an select-option?

In that case please use name1 cs s_name1-low or name1 cs s_name1-high to get it correct.

Hope this helps you.



0 Kudos

Hello Arun,

I edit it, as u said.

But it is again showing the same error.

Best Regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

u cannot use cs in a query

use something like this

select lifnr name1

from lfa1

into corresponding fields of table i_lfa1

for all entries in i_lfb1

where lifnr = i_lfb1-lifnr

and ( name1 like '%s_name1%' ).

0 Kudos

sorry my earlier reply is not possible....better u select the data first..

the loop at itab and then use cs or cp....

0 Kudos

select lifnr name1

from lfa1

into corresponding fields of table i_lfa1

for all entries in i_lfb1

where lifnr = i_lfb1-lifnr.

loop at i_lfa1.

check i_lfa1-name1 cs s_name1. "some thing like this

0 Kudos

Thanks Keshu,

I m stuck up in b/w while generating that report.

No data is coming in my internal table i_lfb1, if i m giving input only the lifnr.

if s_name1 is not initial or s_lifnr is not initial or p_bukrs is not


Can u resolve this 1 too.

select lifnr bukrs from lfb1

into table i_lfb1

where lifnr in s_lifnr

and ( bukrs = p_bukrs ).

if i_lfb1[] is not initial.

select lifnr name1

from lfa1

into corresponding fields of table i_lfa1

for all entries in i_lfb1

where lifnr = i_lfb1-lifnr.

loop at i_lfa1.

check i_lfa1-name1 cs s_name1.

append i_lfa1.



if i_lfa1[] is not initial.

select lifnr ekorg

from lfm1

into corresponding fields of table i_lfm1

for all entries in i_lfa1

where lifnr = i_lfa1-lifnr

and ( ekorg eq p_ekorg ) .


if i_lfa1[] is not initial.

select werks ekorg

from t024w

into corresponding fields of table i_t024w

for all entries in i_lfm1

where ekorg = i_lfm1-ekorg

and ( werks eq p_werks ).


0 Kudos

do remove that initial statement becomes correct...mean while check the code below...this meets ur req.


select-options:so_name1 for lfa1-name1 no intervals.

data:t_lfa1 like standard table of lfa1.
data:search_pattern type string.

loop at so_name1.
concatenate '%' so_name1-low '%' into search_pattern.
select * from lfa1 appending table t_lfa1 where name1 like
clear search_pattern.